Enuk with polar bear cub Start icon


There’s a lot to discover on the ice floes of Greenland …

Enuk, the little Eskimo boy, is really excited. He’s been looking forward to wandering around with his brothers for a long time. Up until now he’s only heard stories about all the polar bears and seals, but now he will get to see the animals for himself. He’s also going to be allowed to help build a new igloo, and that’s what he’s looking forward to the most.

The players will have to try to collect as many animal tiles as possible. The one who has the most tiles at the end is the winner!

Game Materials

Click to switch On sound effects:
Click to switch On test mode:
Choose your color
Set the number of opponents [0-3]

There are 5 types of animal tiles: reindeer (with an eskimo), polar bear, seal, salmon and herring. The number of reindeer tiles are determined by the length of the day, the others equal with the number of animal tiles.

x Reindeer with Eskimo tile
x Polar Bear tile
x Seal tile
x Salmon tile
x Herring tile
Set the number of animal tiles [2-14]
Set the length of the day [3-9]

The game board has an imprint of an igloo,
game board with imprint of an igloo

which will be built from these 9 tiles:
igloo tile pieces

Every animal (except the reindeer) fears of one other animal. The herring flees from the salmon, the salmon flees from the seal. The seal flees from the polar bear, the polar bear flees as soon as a reindeer turns up with an Eskimo.
rank of animals: herring, salmon, seal, polar bear, reindeer (with Eskimo)

Each player starts out with 4 meeples under their empty stack. In the example below the human player chose the blue color while the computer went with the orange:
example game state

Game Sequence

The game runs in two phases:

First Phase

The game starts with the table covered with all the shuffled tiles facing down:
example game state

It is Blue player’s turn now. They turn over a tile - herring. If Blue ends their move now they can collect it.
example game state

But Blue rather flips another tile - it is a polar bear. If Blue ends their move now they can collect both of these tiles:
example game state

However, Blue decides to turn over another tile. Another herring.There is no threat between the herring and the polar bear, so no-one flees. Therefore it’s still the Blue player’s turn.
example game state

Now a salmon turns up!
example game state

The herring fears the salmon so they flee!
example game state

Player Blue has to turn back the 2 herring tiles,
example game state

and the remaining 2 face-up tiles are collected and placed on their stack:
example game state example game state

This signals the end of Blue’s turn. Now it’s Orange’s turn. Orange flips a tile - it is a seal:
example game state

In their next move, they remember the positions of the 2 herring tiles and, as the herring doesn’t fear the seal, they can be turned up safely:
example game state

Orange then decides that 3 tiles are enough and ends their move by collecting the 3 face-up tiles and adding them to their stack:
example game state example game state

The rules during First Phase

Turn over any tile you like when it’s your move.

When a reindeer is turned over the sun piece moves one position to the right. This represents the passing of time. If the sun reaches its last position the First Phase ends.

example game state example game state

You can keep turning over tiles until:

When your turn has ended, all of the tiles that remain lying face up are collected and put onto your stack in a pile.

It is now the next player’s turn ...

The First Phase ends when the sun piece is moved onto the last field on the board.

Finishing Phase

Blue’s last flip turned up a reindeer, this moved the sun into the last position.
example game state

Blue collects all face-up tiles from the table and it’s Orange’s turn. These are the remaining tiles on the table:
example game state

Orange has one meeple on the igloo. This gives them the right to flip and collect tiles until they can predict what they’ll turn over.
example game state

Orange’s meeple is removed and the tile underneath is put on their stack:
example game state

Orange remembers the position of a polar bear from earlier. They declare that their next flip is going to be a polar bear by clicking on the polar bear icon:
example game state

Next, they select the tile that they think contains the polar bear and the tile is flipped over.
example game state

It really is a polar bear, so the tile is removed to Orange’s stack.
example game state

Since they got it right, Orange can continue on guessing. Now Orange wants to turn over a seal.

example game state

Unfortunately, Orange turns over a herring tile and their move is over. The tile remains face up on the table.

example game state

The move then goes to Blue. Blue has meeples on the igloo,so they remove one along with the tile it was on:

example game state

Blue wants to turn over a salmon:

example game state

But it is a herring, so the tile remains on the table and the move goes back to Orange.

example game state

But Orange does not have any meeples left on the igloo, so the move goes back to Blue ...

The rules during Finishing Phase

After a player has turned over a reindeer and the sun goes into its last position, the move goes to the next player. If this player has a meeple on the board, it can now remove one marked igloo tile to its stack. The meeple used for marking the tile returns to the player.

It’s important to remember which animal hides under which tile on the table. Declare a type of tile you are going to turn over and flip one tile. If you declared correctly, you collect that one tile into your stack. If you were wrong, the tile remains face-up on the table and can not be collected anymore.

If you name the tile correctly, the move remains with you until you miss. Then it is the next player’s move. If the next player does not have a meeple on the board, then the move goes to the next player until neither player can move anymore OR no tile remains.

The sequence of play is not interrupted, even if one player has several meeples on the igloo.

End of the Game

The game ends when there are no more meeples on the board or all tiles have been turned over.

Did you manage to collect the most tiles? If you did, you’ve won the game.

Enuk holds a big ice cube logo of Queen KIDS game publisher

A game by Stefan Dorra (www.dorra-spiele.de) and Manfred Reindl for 2-5 players aged 5 and over.
© Copyright 2008 Queen Games, D-842 Troisdorf, Germany