Limerick Kettlebell Lifting Club

Mission Statement

Mission: To promote Kettlebell Sport by creating a community of Girevoy athletes whose common goal is to learn, improve, compete and inspire.


  1. To assist individual members to reach their full potential safely through supervised training by qualified coaches.
  2. To participate in the greater girevoy community by taking part in AIKLF competitions, workshops, training and other relevant activities.
  3. To organise and host events within the club and with other clubs.
  4. To encourage people of all ages to participate in girevoy sport.
  5. To cooperate and exchange information with other lifters in order to improve performance and foster friendship.
  6. To promote camaraderie and friendship among club members and members of other clubs.
  7. To evaluate our progress as a club regularly in order to ensure that
    1. The interests of members are served effectively
    2. We identify and implement improvements that will make our club better.
  8. To adhere to a high level of integrity and transparency in all our dealings with members, other people and organizations.


We value the aspirations of each lifter along with the benefits of a vibrant nation- and world-wide girevoy community.


We anticipate increased popularity of girevoy sport in the Limerick area as well as in the world. We also envision greater enthusiasm for girevoy sport and its benefits.


In order to achieve these goals we propose the following objectives

  1. We will hold regular training sessions supervised by qualified coaches
  2. We will provide feedback on individual progress by holding events such as a series of pentathlons.
  3. We will encourage each individual member to participate in at least one competition per year.
  4. We will ensure that members are aware of upcoming events.
  5. We will host regular sessions free to the public.
  6. We will organise training sessions and/or other events in cooperation with other clubs.
  7. We will provide opportunities for social contact among members through activities outside of training sessions.
  8. We will measure yearly progress toward our objectives.
  9. We will produce yearly accounts to summarise all income and expenditures.
  10. We will measure and record income and expenditures for any events the club has hosted.